
by Thad DeVassie




What starts as harmless cover crops / rye grass, barley, winter wheat / converges into cash crops /

converts field grain to mash / sobriety to sky-climbing whiskey highs / until the comedown / the

crash to rough sand and silt / next to a lake lapping like continuous pours / a siren, desire one

cannot slake or shake / everything a metaphor for liquor’s bourbon burn / barrel smoke smells /

push through the fever sweats / shiver in withdrawal’s blanket / here nothing is ever neat / just

witness to old-fashioned emptiness


Thad DeVassie is the author of This Side of Utopia (forthcoming; Cervena Barva Press). His work has appeared in numerous journals including New York Quarterly, Poetry East, West Branch, NANO Fiction, Juked, Collateral, Unbroken, PANK, and Lunate. He is a lifelong Ohioan who writes from the outskirts of Columbus.